0 of 0
array:4 [ 0 => "redirect" 1 => array:28 [ "0-222-kg" => "0-222-kg" "0-395-kg" => "0-395-kg" "0-617-kg" => "0-617-kg" "10-mm" => "10-mm" "11700-mm" => "11700-mm" "12-mm" => "12-mm" "14-mm" => "14-mm" "16-mm" => "16-mm" "18-mm" => "18-mm" "20-mm" => "20-mm" "22-mm" => "22-mm" "25-mm" => "25-mm" "28-mm" => "28-mm" "32-mm" => "32-mm" "36-mm" => "36-mm" "40-mm" => "40-mm" "6-31-kg" => "6-31-kg" "6-mm" => "6-mm" "6000-mm" => "6000-mm" "7-99-kg" => "7-99-kg" "8-mm" => "8-mm" "a3-a500s" => "a3-a500s" "bukhta" => "bukhta" "g-k-goriachekatannyi" => "g-k-goriachekatannyi" "prutok" => "prutok" "riflenyi" => "riflenyi" "st3" => "st3" "stal" => "stal" ] 2 => "diametr-mm/36-mm/tip-postavki/bukhta" 3 => "/category/armatura-a3-a500s/diametr-mm/36-mm/tip-postavki/bukhta/ves-pogonnogo-metra/header-container_left_burger" ]
0 of 0
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#2032 #items: array:2 [ "36-mm" => App\Models\AttributeValue {#2048 #table: "attribute_values" +timestamps: false +guarded: [] +additional_attributes: array:1 [ 0 => "full_name" ] #connection: "mysql" #primaryKey: "id" #keyType: "int" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #attributes: array:21 [ "id" => 72 "group_id" => 1 "attribute_name" => "Диаметр мм" "image_small" => null "description" => null "featured" => 0 "filter_type" => "multiselect" "ispage" => 0 "option_type" => "" "price" => "0.00" "old_price" => "0.00" "special_price" => "0.00" "quantity" => 1 "parent_id" => 0 "status" => 1 "order" => 1 "slug" => "36-mm" "attribute_name_id" => 7 "attribute_value" => "36 мм" "attribute_names_slug" => "diametr-mm" "attribute_values_slug" => "36-mm" ] #original: array:21 [ "id" => 72 "group_id" => 1 "attribute_name" => "Диаметр мм" "image_small" => null "description" => null "featured" => 0 "filter_type" => "multiselect" "ispage" => 0 "option_type" => "" "price" => "0.00" "old_price" => "0.00" "special_price" => "0.00" "quantity" => 1 "parent_id" => 0 "status" => 1 "order" => 1 "slug" => "36-mm" "attribute_name_id" => 7 "attribute_value" => "36 мм" "attribute_names_slug" => "diametr-mm" "attribute_values_slug" => "36-mm" ] #changes: [] #casts: [] #classCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } "bukhta" => App\Models\AttributeValue {#2046 #table: "attribute_values" +timestamps: false +guarded: [] +additional_attributes: array:1 [ 0 => "full_name" ] #connection: "mysql" #primaryKey: "id" #keyType: "int" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #attributes: array:21 [ "id" => 334 "group_id" => 1 "attribute_name" => "Тип поставки" "image_small" => null "description" => null "featured" => 0 "filter_type" => "multiselect" "ispage" => 0 "option_type" => "" "price" => "0.00" "old_price" => "0.00" "special_price" => "0.00" "quantity" => 1 "parent_id" => 0 "status" => 1 "order" => 1 "slug" => "bukhta" "attribute_name_id" => 22 "attribute_value" => "бухта" "attribute_names_slug" => "tip-postavki" "attribute_values_slug" => "bukhta" ] #original: array:21 [ "id" => 334 "group_id" => 1 "attribute_name" => "Тип поставки" "image_small" => null "description" => null "featured" => 0 "filter_type" => "multiselect" "ispage" => 0 "option_type" => "" "price" => "0.00" "old_price" => "0.00" "special_price" => "0.00" "quantity" => 1 "parent_id" => 0 "status" => 1 "order" => 1 "slug" => "bukhta" "attribute_name_id" => 22 "attribute_value" => "бухта" "attribute_names_slug" => "tip-postavki" "attribute_values_slug" => "bukhta" ] #changes: [] #casts: [] #classCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] }